
Support is available in many forms, and we want to educate you on the options that are available for autistic children in the San Diego area.


Support is available in many forms, and we want to educate you on the options that are available for autistic children in the San Diego area.


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Receiving the news that your son or daughter was diagnosed with autism must have come at a shock, not only in an emotional sense, but in a financial sense; however, there are many federally funded services that will allow you to find and secure the most comprehensive and effective care. First and foremost is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which has been passed to grant families with a child with disabilities not only free special education, but also free related services for your child, as well.

Department of Social Services

In addition to receiving services through IDEA, you may also wish to gain additional services that IDEA might not cover, and if you are not financially in a situation that will allow you to do so, then you may still be able to receive additional services by applying for benefits through California’s Department of Social Services. IDEA will cover many of the services your child will require, but a more intensive regimen can be achieved through applying for benefits from the Department of Social Services. Specifically, you may qualify for in-home supportive services, which would entail your child being able to receive more hours of therapy, and in addition to better generalize the programs that may be worked on at their school or speech therapy appointments.

Exceptional Family Resource Center

Here in North County, we have excellent early intervention providers that are more than capable of setting your child on a path towards success. The Exceptional Family Resource Center is helmed by individuals expertly capable in not only providing you with emotional supports through what may be a trying time in learning of your child’s diagnosis, but also with a wealth of information that will allow you to be sufficiently certain that your next steps for your child are going to be in their best interest.

San Diego Regional Center

The San Diego Regional Center website is comprehensive in that it contains all of the information you might need to not only find a provider, but also how you might be able to receive these services through your insurance or through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It has all of the information you'll need to get started in finding the correct providers for your child.

Autism Research Institute

Your child’s diagnosis may have come as a shock, and if you wish to gain a better understanding of both their diagnosis and their prognosis, then the Autism Research Institute is an excellent resource. Additionally, it's an excellent resource to use in tandem with the others provided, as it may allow for a better understanding of what further steps to take to ensure that your child will receive everything they need. Their website is a comprehensive encapsulation of autism and its many characteristics, and it not only contains information regarding the different methods of treatment, but also very informative seminars regarding the struggles and triumphs those diagnosed with autism may face.

California Autism Foundation

We're excited about current society’s willingness to not only accept those with disabilities, but also seek for them to thrive, as well. The California Autism Foundation specializes in creating programs for school-age children, adolescents, and adults to have access to programs that assist in not only their education, but also in their abilities to later adapt to a fulfilling vocation. Learn more about what you might expect for your child later in their life.